Please click the
following link to purchase the Bluesberry Jam CD from
Check out the
following link to the Get Your Blues On Band .
This was a rehearsal for the upcoming show to
be aired on Youtube.
Better Times Ahead
This song was written in BIAB with the Melodist feature. Real Tracks were applied. The tracks were mixed in Reaper. The
Horn section consisted of a Mbrecker voice in the Yamaha VL70m, and the Sax Brothers and Trumpet from Sample Modeling. The
Lead was the Mr. T from Sample Modeling .
Song For Nino
Apartment 251
Mr Sax B Demo. This is another one take song. Processing of the completed tracks was done in Cubase. Here again
the octave was dropped from the default.
Wivi Soprano demo clip
Band In A Box (BIAB) is a music program that gives musician's and hobbiest players the ability of creating thier own
backing tracks. I found it very useful for learning tunes as well as printing out parts in notation. It is also a great practice
The best part is that it is great fun. See the links section and check out PG Music, Notes Norton, and the Web Ring link
on my home page for the Yahoo BIAB Group.